If you're enjoying this site you'll be pleased to know there's a
version that takes the capabilities far beyond the default
mode. Here's what's included:
More aspect ratios
The full version expands the default list of rectangle, square and
circle aspects, to include diamond, rhombus, hexagon, and
triangle. And these are important because…
Multimode brings the full beauty of kaleidoscope imagery to the
fore. An image from one of the above aspects can replicated
many times, and depending on the aspect, can be rotated and mirrored to
form a new larger seamless image, much like patterned wallpaper.
Below are examples showing different aspects and multiplication
levels. Click an image to enlarge.
Square, multi=3
Diamond, multi=1
Hexagon, multi=2
Triangle, multi=3
Multiplication up to eight levels is allowed and control over the
rotation is provided. There’s also an automation option to
randomly select between aspects and multi-levels.
Odd shapes
Odd shapes are randomly-made shapes that are symmetric around a
central point. Each are unique and a kind of miniature
kaleidoscope. They are optional and attractive in
background mode.
Outlines accentuate the shapes by drawing a thin black or white
line around them. This distinguishes them from other shapes and
backgrounds of similar color, giving a cartoon or stained glass
appearance overall.
Above shows how outlines distinguish shapes from the
background. They can be turned on or off, made black or white,
or chosen at random.
Bouncing windows
Bouncing windows provide a lively and captivating presentation
by making the imagery appear behind ‘windows’.
The windows are circular and set against a dark foreground; giving
an impression of stained glass windows often seen in churches and
cathedrals. The windows vary in size and number, and move
around the screen; bouncing off the screen’s edges and each other
– similar to collisions between differently-sized ice hockey
pucks, with small ones rebounding quickly from larger ones.
Makes the screen less busy by presenting a small part of the
pattern at a time.
Causes you to focus on only one part at time, which makes a
static pattern more interesting for longer.
Provides entertainment with the natural bouncing motion.
In slide show mode, gives an illusion that the pattern is
both moving and motionless at the same time.
Color controls
The colors control panel determines what color schemes appear or won’t
appear. Also allows control over the shading method and
pastel (saturation) levels. See
Color Schemes for an explanation of the available schemes.
Color mood settings
With this you have more control over what hues appear.
Also has ‘mood settings’ which are certain combinations known to affect
particular moods, and which are gender-specific.
More sounds
In addition to Variety and Breathing:
Rain strong: Moderate to heavy rainfall.
Rain mild: Mild to moderate rainfall on a metal roof.
Ocean: Waves crashing and receding on a beach at
irregular intervals.
Wind: Howling/whistling wind. Changes gradually over
time but volume is kept mostly steady.
Wind deep: Wind with deeper (lower) frequencies.
Thunder: Distant rumbling of thunder and wind.
It erupts periodically before settling again.
Thunder deep: Thunder with deeper (lower)
Note: samples are recordings. Actual sounds are randomly
generated and will be different each time.
More breathing options
Control over breath duration, as well as split mode (different
inhale/exhale durations), and 4-way, which allows for breath holds
between breaths. Also has presets for useful
breathing patterns. See the
Guided Breathing guide for details.
Sync with sound
Kaleidoscope motion can be linked to the sound, where the softer the
sound, the slower the visuals move. Color change events can
also be linked to sound.
The below video shows the linking of Breathing to sound. Breath
duration starts at 6.5 seconds and then increases to 7.5
seconds. Kaleidoscope settings are Triangle aspect,
multi-level 2, and the color-scheme is ‘Male Focused’.
The next video shows the linking of Ocean to sound. The
back-and-forth motion represents waves rising and receding on a
beach. Settings are Background mode, Circle aspect, with
color-schemes 3-tone and 4-tones, and Odd shapes with auto-outlines.
Binaural beats
With this option comes the opportunity for deep meditation. A
wide range (0-42Hz) equal-loudness-balanced frequencies are
provided. See the
Binaural Beats guide for details.
Here is a sample playing 11Hz, followed by 8Hz, 5Hz, 3Hz:
The timer control shows you how long you’ve been listening/watching a
sound or video. It can also be made to stop the sound and
video after a set time has elapsed – useful for doing sessions of a
fixed duration. Its value can also display on the video
These additional features are provided via subscription for $25.
That's USD $25 for a 12-month access. Get immediate access via
PayPal or credit/debit card by clicking the link below.
Satisfaction guarantee: If for any reason you change your
mind, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase to receive a full
refund. If you wish to take it up again (on the same email
address or card) the used number of days will be subtracted from the
expiry of the new purchase.